PoolFillment on Saturday the 15/09 = final performance of the summer academy PoolPlay

final performance

After a short week of intensive work, exchange and artistic research on SPACE and TIME we will perform it: the swimming pool, our creative workshop during the week, will be on Saturday the 15th our stage. The PoolPlayers will present their research in form of a performance in the empty swimming pool of the Hotel Sole Paradiso.

What they show with the dance of time and the architecture of light and material, will be cristalized on the interface of the swimming pool and the unknown – designed through our creativity!

when ? 15th Septembre 2012, 6 p.m.
where ? Parkhotel Sole Paradiso, Haunoldweg 8, Innichen // Italy
money ? 15 € Aperitive and Performance


Be surprised – as we will be, too!!!

The KickOff of PoolPlay will be on September the 3d, when tailor/artist Maria Walcher will create the skin of PoolPlay in front of KUNSTRAUM CAFÉ MITTERHOFER in Innichen. The PoolPlayers will come on Sunday evening. Feel free to drop by at any moment – but the most precious one will be Saturday the 15th for the final performance.

Greetings from the artistic downs of the pool,
Jula und Maximilian

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